Step 1
Log into the portal using your email address and password provided to you.
Step 2
Please fill out the security questions.
Step 3
Authorize the portal to send you text notifications to your mobile phone number which should already in your profile. If you do not get a PIN sent to your phone, please contact Brian.
Step 4
This is what you will see when you’re logged in for the first time. Before using the system, please review your settings to ensure your profile is up to date and change your password.
To protect your privacy you need to change the default password provided to you.
On the top you’ll see Schedule, Accounting, Tools and Settings, and Training tabs. Please click on Tools and Settings tab.
Step 5
Review the settings for accuracy. It’s very important to click on Save Changes if you change your settings!
Step 6
Scroll to the bottom of the General Settings tab to find the Password Update setting, click on it to expand.
Type your new password and click on Change Password to save it.
Step 7
Finally, there are videos under the Training tab that you can watch to learn your way around the new system.
The videos are short and explanatory. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.